Since long before time itself had been recorded, there has been The BONE JANGLER! Throughout the years, the world's most prolific thoughtsmiths have theorized that the "big bang" that spawned the Earth's creation also heralded the arrival of this ancient enigma. Content with sitting on the sidelines, watching various lifeforms evolve, The BONE JANGLER took particular notice of the vagina. Many were the songs the women sang unto Him, with fevered hopes that He would anoint them, and permit them entry into His Coven. And, as The BONE JANGLER and His merry maidens moved across the lands, the seeds of thousands of civilizations were sown. From the building of the ancient sphinx in Egypt, to the mysterious rock formation of Stonehenge, even as recent as the crop circles of today...The BONE JANGLER has been there. While the true extent of His powers are none of your business, rest assured that He has zero, if any, rivals. From witchcraft to voodoo, reaching all the way back to Native American shamanism, The BONE JANGLER has had an impact on all forms of magick, past and present. In fact, many of the world's occult practices are based on the fundamental principles of The BONE JANGLER's natural abilities. So, what is The BONE JANGLER's current agenda? None know. He appears to be concerned with only 2 things: Having a good time, and caring for The Bone Jangler Family. |
The BONE JANGLER TM and copyright 2001-2011 All images and likenesses from The BONE JANGLER may not be used without expresss written permission on paper. Permission may be revoked at any time. |